Guia Rápido
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[Require Gnomish Problems]

[Bring the Horn of a Thunderstomp Stegodon to Maximillian "The Greaser".]
Chifre de Estegodon Pisatroante (1)


[Ok bad news. This Gnomish consultant they got is one step ahead of me. Turns out their racer isn't even going to be on the ground! They are lining the racetrack with this thing called "magnets," and they are going to glide just above the ground, which means no explosion! If they won't step on the mine, then we just go to bring the mine to them! I think if we have an electrical charge big enough, it should fix our issue. Go to Southwest Un'goro and bring me a Thunderstomp Stegodon horn!]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(82001))

